2025-2026 New Student Enrollment Application Form

September 2025- Jun 2026 Program Fees & Application Form

10 Month Program | Flexible Schedule


We are very excited to start planning for the 2025-2026 school year here at the Academy for School.  

Our new student registration begins on Wednesday February 12th.      

Follow these steps to secure your child’s spot at The Academy:

  • Fill out the Registration Form and Intake form linked below.

  • Sibling discount will only apply if all are registered at the same time.  Discount applied to student who attends fewer days.  Full tuition amount applied to the other student.

  • Registration Fee:

    • $225 for each student applying to The Academy for the first time in this school year. 

    • $150 for each student returning from the prior school year. If new in Summer Camp ‘25 and applying for the ‘25-26 school year, the summer registration is viewed as a return student. The new student registration fee applies to the 25-26 school year. 

    • $150 if enrolling 2, no more than $150 per family

  • Look for the Brightwheel App invite shortly after you have submitted your Registration Form, Intake Form, and payment of the Registration Fee. You will pay your $500 deposit via the Brightwheel billing system.

  • Be sure to send Registration and Intake Forms, pay the Registration Fee, and $500.00 Deposit on Brightwheel.  All of these steps secure your prospective enrollment.  Should we have no openings, you will be placed on the waiting list and all monies returned.

  • Application Fee:

    • Waived if you refer a new student who enrolls.

    • $225 for each student applying to The Academy for the first time this school year.

    • Did your student attend Summer Camp ‘25 as a new student this year? Summer registration is viewed as a returning student. The new student registration fee applies to the 25-26 school year.

  • Forms of Payment: All new student registration fees are made through PayPal. All future enrollment deposits of $500 and tuition installments will be invoiced through Brightwheel. Payments made by credit card will include a convenience fee.

  • Tuition Schedule

    • Upon Enrollment: $500 Deposit

    • May 15, 2025: 1st Installment less $500 Deposit

    • September 15, 2025: 2nd Installment

    • November 15, 2025: 3rd Installment

    • January 15, 2026: 4th Installment

    • March 15, 2026: 5th Installment

Program Tuition Installments

Tuition includes Sept-June (10 months) full school year program, art, music & movement, computer, foreign language, Handwriting without Tears, individualized curriculum, differentiated education, core curriculum, creative arts, creative play, very small class size, parent education & involvement, physical education, and outdoor play, within a fun nurturing environment.

  • The twos program is for students 2.5 years old and younger by 10/22. Minimum selection of two half days per week.

    Your number of half days*(9am - 11:30am) | Tuition Installment.

    • 2 half days | $840

    • 3 half days | $1260

    • 4 half days | $1470

    • 5 half days | $1680

    Tuition Schedule with “Lunch with friends” Offered Monday through Friday 11:30-12:00 Noon

    • 2 half days | $920

    • 3 half days | $1340

    • 4 half days | $1550

    • 5 half days | $1760

    *Please note that students in the two-year-old program are only eligible for half days. They do not have an option for full days.

  • 2.5-year-olds and older are eligible for full-day sessions.


    • AM Classes: 9:00am - 11:30am

    • Lunch with friends: 11:30am - 12pm (no charge if over 2 yrs & 6 mo. by October)

    • PM Classes: 12:00pm - 2:30pm

    • Full day: 9am-2:30pm. Includes lunch at no additional charge.

    Your number of half-day sessions | Tuition Installment*

    • 3 half days | $1260

    • 4 half days | $1470

    • 5 half days | $1680

    • 6 half days | $1890

    • 7 half days | $2100

    • 8 half days | $2310

    • 9 half days | $2520

    • 10 half days | $2730

    *Minimum sections: 3 half days per week. Maximum selection: 5 ams & 5pms (or 5 full days) which is 10 half days.

  • Before School Enrichment Program: Monday - Friday 8:00-8:30-9:00 a.m. Choose 1-5 mornings. Each session is 30 minutes. Tuition is paid through 5 amortized school tuition installments. Program minimum of two morning sessions.

    Learn More

    # of 30 min. sessions | Tuition Installment

    1 | $80

    2 | $160

    3 | $240

    4 | $320

    5 | $400

    6 | $480

    7 | $560

    8 | $640

    9 | $720

    10 | $800

    Please note: Daily drop-in fees per 30-minute session, when available, are $20 per 30-minute session.

    After School Academy Choose Your After School Adventure: Monday - Friday 2:30-3:30 p.m. Choose 1-5 afternoons. Program minimum of two afternoon sessions. Tuition is paid through 5 amortized school tuition installments. Students can attend Academy Kids Club or add in dance, yoga, and/or music as well.

    # of sessions | Tuition Installment

    1 | $160

    2 | 320

    3 | $480

    4 | $640

    5 | $800